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La Voz del Interior is a daily Spanish language newspaper edited and published in Córdoba, capital of the province of Córdoba, Argentina and the second-largest city in the country. It was founded on March 15, 1904, by Silvestre Rafael Remonda and Juan Dionisio Naso, its first director.

The newspaper is the leading daily in Córdoba, and one of the most important in the country outside of Buenos Aires. Its production process and layout were completely redesigned on September 21, 1995. The composition process was computerized, and the paper itself was thereafter printed on a Goss Headliner press, in full color. One year later the online version of La Voz del Interior, called Intervoz, was started (its name was changed to La Voz on line in 2000 and to La in 2006). La Voz was acquired by the Clarín Group, the largest media conglomerate in Argentina, in 1997. Dynamic updates with breaking news were introduced in 2001, along with a new format.
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