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La Nación (Spanish: The Nation) is an Argentine daily newspaper. The country's leading conservative paper, the centrist Clarín is its main competitor.
The paper was founded as La Nación Argentina on January 4, 1870, by former Argentine President Bartolomé Mitre and associates; until 1914, the managing editor was José Luis Murature, Foreign Minister of Argentina from 1914-1916. The daily was renamed La Nación on August 28, 1945.
Enjoying Latin America's largest readership until the 1930s, its daily circulation averaged around 350,000, and exceeded only by Crítica, a Buenos Aires tabloid. The 1945 launch of Clarín created a new rival, and following the 1962 closure of Crítica, and the 1975 suspension of Crónica, La Nación secured its position as the chief market rival of Clarín.
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